Story Tellings

Origins of Lake Maninjau, Legend Single Part

October 17, 2009 in Legend, Myth
Lake Maninjau is a volcanic lake situated in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Lake with an area of ​​approximately 99.5 km2 with a depth of 495 meters is the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia, and the second largest in West Sumatra. According to the story, Maninjau originally a volcano at its peak there is a vast crater. Because of human activity, volcanic eruption and form a vast lake.

Once upon a time, in a region in West Sumatra there is a very high volcano named Mount Review. At the top there is a vast crater, and at his feet there are several villages. Prosperous population lives, because they are very diligent farming. In addition, the land around Mount Review the highly fertile, because it often gets a natural fertilizer in the form of mountain ash.

In one of the villages at the foot of Mount Preview lived ten brothers consisting of nine men and one woman. Residents around used to call them Single Nine. The ten brothers are Kukuban, Kudun, Bayua, Malintang, Galapuang, Beams, rod, shadow, and the youngest man named Kaciak. While their youngest sister is a woman named Siti Rasani, fondly called Sani. Both of their parents had died long ago, so Kukuban as the eldest son becomes the head of the household. All decisions in his hand.

The ten brothers live in a house relics of their parents. To meet their needs, they worked on agricultural land which is quite extensive legacy of their parents. They are very skilled farming because they diligently helping his father and mother when they were alive. In addition, they are also guided by their uncle named Datuk Limbatang, which they call Engku familiar.

Datuk Limbatang is a mamak in the village and had a son named Giran. As Mamak, Datuk Limbatang have a big responsibility to educate and pay attention to the lives of its citizens, including the nephew tenth person. For that, every other day, he visited the house Kukuban brothers to teach them farming skills and the various procedures of the local customs. Not infrequently Datuk Limbatang took his wife and son to participate with him.

One day, when Datuk Limbatang with his wife and Giran visited Nine Single house, inadvertently Sani each other in Giran. Apparently, both boys and girls were equally put his heart. Giran also took Sani to meet in a field on the edge of the river. With a pounding heart, Giran also revealed his feelings to Sani.

"It's been a long soak basil
It was only now want to expand
It has long been kupendam love
It was only now met viewpoint "

"It has long been embroider
Make baju kebaya width
It has long been enamored brother
Want to meet the chest thumping "

"Fine elegant beautiful perangaipun
His life is like doing good
People praised the downstream and forth
Who looks at the heart interested "

"Brother, Sani! Your face is beautiful and elegant, soft-hearted temperament good nan. Will you be beloved brother? "Asked Giran.

The question Sani heart pounding. In his heart, he also likes to Giran. So he responded with a string of rhymes.

"The fruit jackfruit from across
Once made savory vegetable
It has long been my brother later
Only then can now call "

"If the city collapsed Melaka
I uphold the board in Java
If indeed Kanda said
I submit the body and the life "

Giran would be happy to hear the answer of Sani. He was really happy because cintahnya intercepted.

Since then, Giran and Sani relationship of love. At first, both intend to hide their relationship. However, for fear of provoking libel, finally they both come clean to their respective families. Knowing this, Giran and Sani family felt excited and happy, because it can strengthen their family relationships. Since a relationship with Sani, Giran often visited the house Single Nine. In fact, he often helped Single Nine working in the fields.

When the harvest season comes, all the villagers obtain abundant results. To celebrate this success, traditional leaders and the entire population have agreed to hold the event arena, namely agility contest play silat. The youth village welcomed the event. With a fiery passion, they immediately signed up to the steering committee. Not to forget also Kukuban and Giran took part in the event.

On the appointed day, all the participants gathered in a field. The cheers of the audience was heard to support their hero. Moments later, the committee immediately hit the gong signal event starts. Apparently, Kukuban gets first performed with an opponent from a neighboring village. Looks both face to face in the middle of the arena for mutual agility contest. Whoever wins in that fight, he will fight the next participant. Apparently, Kukuban managed to beat his opponent. After that, the next participant one by one into the arena to fight Kukuban arena event, but not one was able to beat him. There remained a participant again undeveloped, namely the Giran. Now, Kukuban face an opponent that is balanced.

"Hi, Giran! Go up if you dare! "Challenged Kukuban.

"Well, Bang! Be prepared to accept my attack! "Said Giran and directly attack Kukuban.

Then there was a fierce battle between Giran and Kukuban. Initially, Giran offensive flurry towards Kububan, but all attacks were able circumvented by Kukubun. Moments later, the situation turned upside down. Kukuban were behind the attack. He continued to attack Giran with moves flagship in repeatedly. Giran matter of urgency and difficulty to avoid attacks. At the right moment, Kukuban cast a hard kick left foot toward Giran. Giran are no longer able to escape, forced to deflect it with both hands.

"Ouch, it hurts…! My feet are broken! "Yelled Kukuban and immediately rolled on the ground screaming in pain.

Apparently, it makes the defense Giran broken left leg. He was no longer able to continue the match and declared the loser in the arena. Since then, Kukuban feel upset and vengeful against Giran because he felt humiliated in public. However, revenge is buried in the heart.

A few months later, revenge Kukuban buried in the liver was finally revealed as well. It began when one night, when the moonlight illuminating the surrounding mountain villages Review, Datuk Limbatang with his wife to the house Single Nine. Giran arrival of parents is not to teach them how to grow crops or traditional practices, but would like to convey the proposal from Giran to Sani.

"I'm sorry, Single Nine! The intent of our arrival here would like to strengthen our family relationships, "said Datuk Limbatang.

"What do you mean, Engku?" Asked the puzzled Kudun.

"Yes, Engku! Is not our family relationships during this okay? "Continued Kaciak.

"It is true that you say it, my son," said Datuk Limbatang already considers Single Nine as their own.

"Look, My children! To further strengthen our family relationships, we intend to marry Giran with your younger sister, Siti Rasani, "said Datuk Limbatang.

"Essentially, we also felt the same way, Engku! We feel happy when Giran married to our sister. Giran is a good and diligent young man, 'said the Kudun.

However, just as the sentence out of the mouth of the Kudun, suddenly heard the sound of a very loud shout of Kukuban.

"No! I do not agree with their marriage! I know who Giran, "cried Kukuban blushing.

"He's arrogant youth, not a rude and insolent. He does not deserve to be husband Sani, "he added.

"Why do you say so, my son? Are there any words or behavior that is never to offend you? "Asked Datuk Limbatang calmly.

"There, Engku! Remember Giran action against me in the arena event a few months ago? He has broken my left leg and still have the scars, "said Kukuban as he rolled up his trousers to reveal scars broken leg.

"Oooh, that!" Said Datuk Limbatang brief smile.

"Problem ankle and foot broken, lost or won in gelanggan the usual things. Indeed, so that fight, "said Datuk Limbatang.

"But, Engku! Engku child has humiliated me in front of the crowd, 'said Kukuban.

"I think Giran did not mean to embarrass his own brother," said Datuk Limbatang.

"Ah, it said Engku, because they want to defend their own children! Where justice Engku as traditional leaders? "Argued Kukuban as he threw her to the floor.

All that is in the meeting was silent. His eighth none who dared to speak out. The atmosphere became silent and tense. Unless Datuk Limbatang, who looked calm.

"Sorry, son! I do not defend anyone. I just tell the truth. Justice must be based on truth, "said Datuk Limbatang.

"Truth moreover that Engku intent. Did not Giran has obviously tarnished my face in the crowd? "

"Know, my son! According to the testimony of many people who saw the incident, you yourself are attacking Giran are pressed with a hard kick, then deflected by Giran. Rebuttal that makes your legs broken. Do you think fend off the attack and any fraudulent act? "Asked Datuk Limbatang.

Kukuban only paused at the question. Although in his heart to admit that what is said Datuk Limbatang is true, but because his heart was shrouded in a feeling of revenge, he still would not accept it.

"Know, my son! According to the testimony of many people who saw the incident, you yourself are attacking Giran are pressed with a hard kick, then deflected by Giran. Rebuttal that makes your legs broken. Do you think fend off the attack and any fraudulent act? "Asked Datuk Limbatang.

Kukuban only paused at the question. Although in his heart to admit that what is said Datuk Limbatang is true, but because his heart was shrouded in a feeling of revenge, he still would not accept it.

"Whatever Engku if you still want to defend their own children. But, Sani is our sister. I will not marry Sani with Engku child, "said Kukuban snapped.

"Well, my son! I will not force you. But, we hope that someday this decision can be changed, "said Datuk Limbatang farewell as he went home with his wife.

Apparently, Siti Rasani who was in the room to hear all of their conversation. He was very sad to hear the decision of the eldest brother. For him, Giran is a prospective husband who she craved during this time. Since the incident, Sani always looks gloomy. Almost every day he sat thinking magazine out for problems. Neither the Giran, thinking the same thing. For days the two lovers were thinking, but have not found a way out. Finally, the two had agreed to meet at its usual place, which is in a field by the river, to discuss the problems they are facing.

"What shall we do, little brother?" Asked Giran.

"I do not know, Bang! Sister also did not know what to do. All decisions in the family's sister is in the hands Bang Kukuban. While he hated and revenge on the brother, "said Sani long sigh.

Some time they negotiate on the banks of the river, but have not found a way out. With frantic feeling, Sani move from his seat. Suddenly a piece of thorny twigs stuck in the sheath.

"Oh, sarong torn!" Shouted Sani shocked.

"Well, it looks like your thighs thorns scratched. Sit sister, brother will treat the wound it! "Said Giran.

Giran immediately seek medicinal leaves around and mixes. After that, he cleans the blood coming out of thigh Sani, then treat the wound. At that moment, suddenly dozens of people came out from behind the trees and immediately confine them. They are Single Nine along with several other residents.

"Hey, apparently you're here!" Cried Kukuban.

Giran and Sani did not know what to do. Both are absolutely no idea if there are dozens of people are staking their movements.

"Get them! We bring them to trial customary "Kukuban command.

"Please, Bang! We did not do anything. I just treat wounds Sani exposed spines, "said Giran.

"You liar! I see for themselves your thighs rubbing my brother! "Snapped Kukuban.

"Yes, true! You have committed illicit acts. You have to be brought to trial for convicted customs, "said one resident.

Finally, Giran and Sani herded into the village to get to the courtroom. Kukuban along with eight brothers and several other residents testified that they saw themselves forbidden acts committed by Giran and Sani. Although Giran and Sani has been defense and assisted by Datuk Limbatang, but the court decided that both of them guilty of violating customs prevailing in the village. Their actions are very embarrassing and can bring bad luck. So as punishment, they should be thrown into the crater of Mount Review in order to avoid the catastrophe of the village.

The decision was announced to the rest of the village in the vicinity of Mount Review. After that, Giran and Sani carried to the summit of Mount Review with his hands tied behind. Arriving at the edge of the crater, their eyes covered with black cloth. Before the sentence carried out, they are given a chance to speak.

"O you all, you know! We did not do anything forbidden. Therefore, we believe are innocent, "said Giran.

After that, Giran second lifted his hand to the sky praying.

"Oh, my God! We hear and grant our prayers. If we are indeed guilty, destroy our bodies in the water this hot crater. However, if we are not guilty, and the mountain letuskanlah Nine Single curse into a fish! "

After the prayer, Giran and Sani immediately jumped into the crater. Both were submerged in the water of the crater. Some people who witnessed the event overwhelmed by tension and anxiety. If Giran totally innocent and his prayer was granted, then they will all perish. It was true. Request Giran granted by God. A few moments later, the mountain was suddenly wobbled and followed by a very loud explosion. Hot lava was gushed out of the craters, flows into the village and destroy all in its path. Everyone was trying to save themselves. However, they were unlucky fate. Review the increasingly powerful eruption of the mountain until it was destroyed. Nobody survived. Nine flunky was transformed into a fish.

Thus the story Origins of Lake Maninjau Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia. That said, the eruption of Mount Review it leaves a vast crater and eventually turned into a lake. By the surrounding community, the name of the mountain was later immortalized as the name of the lake, the lake Maninjau. While the names of the characters involved in the incident immortalized as the name of villages around Lake Maninjau, such as Tanjung Sani, Sikudun, Bayua, Malintang Koto, Koto Kaciak, Sigalapuang, Beams, Kukuban, and Sungai Batang.

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